Here are the minutes of our July 14th board meeting:
Minutes of Homeowner Meeting June 9th
Here are the minutes of our homeowners’ meeting on June 9th. 2020.
2020-6-09 Somerset Hills VIII HOA Minutes
Our next board meeting is July 14th 7:00pm via teleconference.
Spring Minutes
Here are board meeting minutes from this spring:
2020-3-10 Somerset Hills VIII HOA Minutes
Minutes of Homeowner Meeting February 11th
Here are the minutes of our homeowners’ meeting on February 11th. 2020.
2020-02-11 Somerset Hills VIII HOA Minutes
Our next board meeting is March 10th, 7 p.m. at Valley Covenant Church, 3636 W. 18th Ave.
Minutes of Homeowner Meeting January 27
Here are the minutes of our homeowners’ annual meeting on January 27, 2020:
January Board Minutes
Here are the minutes of our January 14 board meeting:
2020-01-14 Somerset Hills VIII HOA Minutes
Our next board meeting is February 11, 7 p.m. at Valley Covenant Church, 3636 W. 18th Ave.
Homeowner Annual Meeting January 27
Our annual homeowners’ meeting is Monday January 27 at 7 p.m. at Valley Covenant Church, 3636 W. 18th Ave. All homeowners are urged to attend. We will:
1) Approve the 2020 HOA budget
2) Elect board members
3) Receive a draft of revisions to our CCRs.
Suggestions for nominations for board members are encouraged. Please get permission from the person(s) you suggest. All suggestions will be considered by our Nominating Committee. Please submit names via the contact form on this web site.
December Board Minutes
Here are the minutes of our December 1o board meeting:
2019-12-10 Somerset Hills VIII HOA Minutes
The next board meeting is January 14, 2020, 7 p.m. at Valley Covenant Church, 3636 W. 18th Ave.
October, November Minutes
Board meeting minutes:
2019-10-08 Somerset Hills VIII HOA Minutes
2019-11-12 Somerset Hills VIII HOA Minutes
Our next board meeting is Tuesday, December 10 at 7 p.m. at Valley Covenant Church, 3636 W. 18th Ave.
September Board Minutes
Here are the minutes from our September 10 board meeting as well as our new HOA Parking Policy:
2019-09-10 Somerset Hills VIII HOA Minutes
Our next board meeting will be October 8, 7 p.m. at Valley Covenant Church, 3636 W. 18th Ave.